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+ = Who knew painters could be farmers?!
Primary liquidity for $BRUSH-$S is hosted on Shadow and Equalizer exchanges on Sonic.
In the SHADOW model, liquidity providers stake their $BRUSH-$S LP tokens in a SHADOW gauge to earn a portion of the swap fees along with emissions in the form of SHADOW tokens.
The more votes allocated to a liquidity pair by xSHADOW voters, the more SHADOW that will be emitted to the $BRUSH-$S gauge in the following epoch.
Brush liquidity is also hosted on Equalizer ve(3,3) dex. The $BRUSH/$WS LP receives $EQUAL emissions based on veEqual votes received by the pool every week.
Paintswap community’s liquidity has traditionally been the highest(!) of any Fantom ecosystem token in a 50–50 pool. This continues on Sonic. Following are the ways $BRUSH LP holders are rewarded:
Superior APR: As the result of our partnership with Shadow, the protocol offers direct incentives to $BRUSH-$S liquidity providers through their voting weight. We also utilize our protocol fees to offer bribes where needed to boost this even further hence maintaining sustained higher APR.
Sonic Airdrop points for BRUSH liquidity: Sonic labs has confirmed that $BRUSH/$S LP holders will receive Sonic points (user points) for the $S portion of the LP! For all the details read their post Sonic Points and Gems Explained — ~200 Million S Airdrop.
Using FeeM for Bribes: Paintswap has been either 1st or 2nd in the rankings for every quarterly fee monetization leaderboard in past years. This additional revenue is used for bribing votes on pools to incentivize liquidity for the $BRUSH-$S pair on Shadow exchange.
Our 80–20 $BRUSH-$scUSD pool on beets.fi replaces the traditional single side staking for $BRUSH. The 80-20 balanced pool incentivizes lower impermanent loss LP strategies. Hence making it close to the single-sided staking. The rewards include:
LP trading fees.
BEETs emissions from bribing voters.
Potential $S & $BRUSH rewards from our DAO